Odour Measurement Services

Hakuto Singapore provides odour measurement service utilizing various methods and equipments.


Exhaust Measurement Service

Hakuto Singapore deploys Ceramic Filter Demo Kit at the exhaust for odour measurement.


Odor Concentration Checking

Hakuto Singapore check odour concentration using Triangular Odor Bag (TOB) method adhering to the Japanese Standard. This method is officially approved in Japan, China & Thailand.


Equipment for Odor Investigation(臭気測定用治具)


Odor Measurement Procedure (臭気測定の様子)


Sample of TOB Results (Coffee)

DateSampling TimeSampling PointOUDeodorant (%)
XX-DecPM3:20Before and After without ozone54,772

Before with ozone17,320

After with ozone3,73178.46%

Odor Spread Simulation

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